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The No Skip Solution

You know how you feel, those days that you are just dragging ass, and the last place you think you want to be is the gym?

Maybe work dealt you more than you "think" you can handle, the kids were crazy today, and things just weren’t going your way. All you want to do is go home and relax, maybe go to happy hour with co-workers and enjoy some drinks and appetizers.

You just lack the motivation and effort today. F it right? It’s not a big deal?

Think about this instead. Your phone rings, it’s your training partner…. “Where are you? I’m here just about to warm up, where you at?”

Here are some reasons why you should have a training partner.


By having a training partner it takes coordination between the two of you, to schedule and plan the workout. By doings so, you are less likely to flake out on a workout. This makes you more reliable and committed to the gym, since someone else is depending on you to be there.


I suggest that you find a training partner that has similar athletic abilities and goals. When both of you are working towards the same goal, the motivation will be there to work harder, and dig deeper. If you are falling behind, use it as motivation to kick things in gear and go. Ask for their help, that’s what they are there for. Use each other’s milestones to track the progress, and push each other.


Training with someone should be fun. Look for someone that you enjoy spending time with, they will be your second family. Share in each other’s progress and milestones. This should be fun and exciting, see all of the hard work pay off.


Like I stated earlier, you are more likely to give up as an individual. When you have a partner it’s a subconscious thought like “Hey, were in this together.” Even though the workouts can sometimes suck, having someone right there with you, should give you that extra motivation. They are doing the same thing as you, they are feeling the same way.


Just as a personal trainer is meant to motivate and push you to work harder, a good training partner should do the same. Keeping things positive is a must. Don’t forget that acts of encouragement should always be reciprocated. Stay focused on helping each other and be as constructive as possible. Make it a competition. Every workout you should be competing against yourself, and your partner. I promise you, you will find a whole other level of intensity and drive.

Remember it’s the little things, it can be as easy as when you see your partner start to slow down and suck during the workout “Hey Sam, remember you are strong enough to do this. You got this!” Just that simple encouragement might be the spark that kicks them in the butt to get going.

I will leave you on this, training with someone should be fun and exciting. There are many benefits. But most of all, they will help save you from eating that plate of appetizers and having a few too many drinks and making an ass off yourself in front of your co-workers!

Have fun everyone, and get out there and lift something heavy today!!!

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